Continuous turning of shredded materials, such as green waste for example, ensures even mixing of the windrow layers so that considerably faster compost ripening is followed by a thoroughly homogeneous end product of the highest quality.
Our compact windrow turners TBU 3P and TBU XL enable high turning speeds including secondary shredding of larger
residue materials.
Two powerful tractor-towed compost turners depending on the windrow height
For restacking trapezoidal compost windrows up to a height of 3 meters, the TBU 3P, and up to a height of 3.5 meters, the TBU XL, is the ideal choice. The restacking procedure is performed in a space-saving way by cutting off compost flanks and moving the cut material to a parallel windrow . The TBU series is driven by the PTO shaft with three-point linkage of
common high-performance tractors.
Continuous turning of shredded materials, such as green waste for example, ensures even mixing of the windrow layers so that considerably faster compost ripening is followed by a thoroughly homogeneous end product of the highest quality.
Our compost windrow turner TBU 3P with 3-point attachment for tractors from 130 hp, allows conversion speeds of 0.5 km/h and more.
The most important advantages at a glance:
Low-maintenance and easy to operate processing machine
Work process in the pull direction and therefore a clear view for the operator
Fast and easy replacement of the milling tools
Very good mixing of the outer and inner windrow layers
Secondary shredding of the compost constituents
Reactivation of the micro-organisms thanks to improved air supply
Shorter decomposition time and higher quality of the compost
Continuous turning of shredded materials, such as green waste for example, ensures even mixing of the windrow layers so that considerably faster compost ripening is followed by a thoroughly homogeneous end product of the highest quality.
Our compost windrow turner TBU 3P with 3-point attachment for tractors from 130 hp, allows conversion speeds of 0.5 km/h and more.
The most important advantages at a glance:
Low-maintenance and easy to operate processing machine
Work process in the pull direction and therefore a clear view for the operator
Fast and easy replacement of the milling tools
Very good mixing of the outer and inner windrow layers
Secondary shredding of the compost constituents
Reactivation of the micro-organisms thanks to improved air supply
Shorter decomposition time and higher quality of the compost
Low-maintenance and easy to operate processing machine
Work process in the pull direction and therefore a clear view for the operator
Fast and easy replacement of the milling tools
Very good mixing of the outer and inner windrow layers
Secondary shredding of the compost constituents
Reactivation of the micro-organisms thanks to improved air supply
Shorter decomposition time and higher quality of the compost