The primary design principle is that of strength whilst gaining the maximum efficiency from the machine.
Specialist belts, polyurethane idler wheels and track tensioning systems all combine to result in the highest quality track system. European and US patents are in place.
Moorend Four-Track systems are a bespoke design for your vehicle. We will work with you from concept to testing in order to achieve the best outcome for your needs.
Moorend Ltd technology benefits: -
Improved off road capability
Greatly reduced ground damage
Ability to work on sensitive surfaces and in ground conditions that would stop other machines
Exceeds increasing demands from the environment agencies worldwide to protect soil structures
The perfect combination of payload and performance
Surface disturbance caused by the use of heavy equipment can have deep and lasting negative effects upon soil properties and productivity. Soil compaction, churning, rutting, mixing, displacement and removal all impact upon the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil causing untold damage to the wider environment.
The Moorend 4T rubber track system typically operates at extremely low ground bearing pressures of between 2-4psi with the ability to steer without tearing at the top surface.
No other machine is able to operate on sensitive surfaces leaving little to no evidence of damage.
In comparison to conventional wheeled machines and two-track vehicles, Vehicles with Moorend Four-Track systems deliver a new level of operational efficiency, economy and environmental compliance.